Sunday, 21 August 2011

Weekend Ramblings | Blessings & Another Reason Why I Love My Hubby ;)

So lovely readers, if you follow my facebook statuses you may have seen that these last 3 days have been rather filled with excitement! I can't actually believe just how much has happened...! Seriously...! To be honest, I was in a bit of a slump by Wednesday, having received some fairly harsh criticism, and really just wondering how on earth I was ever going to pull everything together.... That, and the fact that I spent much of Wednesday tripping over/walking into stationery objects. I mean, I tripped over a door. No, not like a skirting at an entrance through a door, THE SIDE OF THE DOOR, how's that even possible???? ;)

Then...on Thursday I had the incredible privilege to meet Nasstasja Harvey, who is quite possibly the very nicest person in the world! Truly, I don't think I've ever met someone whose incredible talent is matched by SUCH a humble spirit (please go look at her site by following the link, I promise you you'll never be the same). What an inspiration - and to boot, incredibly generous and encouraging of my journey as a photographer :) I walked away from our coffee date inspired, humbled and enriched :) Oh, and desperately wanting a furry friend to call my own (she has the shiniest kitty you've ever seen and a precious little doggy).

Then...on Friday my Facebook page received some serious fan love by some of the photographers in the CT industry who inspire me the most - WOW! And Christine Meintjes, yes you heard right, CHRISTINE MEINTJES, commented on one of my photos! Total nerd alert, but I have to confess I phoned hubby and my dear friend Kim immediately to shriek in excitement! Yes, I am a nerd, but am ok with that ;)

Then I'd also like to specially mention Kim du Toit who has been the hugest source of encouragement to me this past month - don't honestly have the words to say thank you enough :) The Lord blessed me when he sent you my way!

And then, to top it all off, I am so incredibly blessed to be able to say I have booked my very first solo wedding, and am SO excited!! 

I may need to pinch myself dear readers...! 

But above all, I want to thank the Lord for answers to prayer, for doors opened, for the blessing of support and above all, the opportunity to actually chase this dream :) I'm praying for courage and a heart of humility :) x

A prize goes the person who can guess what my Hubby is building ;) I love that he spends his weekends and spare time researching camera tech and methods for me, and teaches me, with infinite patience, how to get it right myself :)

This is my baby hyacinth yesterday - can't wait to see the beautiful white blossoms!

And this lovelies, is my first ever signed booking form :) Wowzers and sjoewee....

P.S. That fineliner also happens to be like, the most amazing pen ever. 2nd total nerd alert, but I've been searching for it! Doesn't it match my shiny white clipboard perfectly???


  1. Stumped- I have no idea what he's building. Bet it's something awesome! Must be so cool to have an engineering hubby (though not as cool as having a computer-geek one ;) congrats on booking the solo wedding!! Can't wait to see the photos!

  2. Hehe, it is rather cool having a total camera geek hubby ;) Thanks Amy!

  3. I want the prize, but I don't know what it is. It looks computerish ;)

    My heart melted looking at the tender shoot on your baby hyacinth... now the anticipation...

    Ross is an absolute darling to read up on all the camera geeky stuff and share it with you. It's easier to step out when you know someone has your back.

  4. Hehe, I will update with a photo once Hubby's project is finished ;) Same for the hyacinth - it's going to be a beaut! And you're totally right - knowing I've got such a strong man behind me gives me courage and daring I wouldn't have otherwise :) x

  5. Jonathan says it's impossible to tell what he's making without knowing what those integrated circuits are... so I think you should give us a clue :)

  6. hahahah! I don't even know what an 'integrated circuit' is ;) Hubby says 'IC's used: LM556CN, LE555CN, NE556N, LM555CM'

  7. Hey my dear friend!!! Yay for an amazing week!!! I am incredibly happy and feeling totally blessed that ive been able to walk this road with you and you with me!! His timing is so perfect, Im in awe!! Dont know where I was without you and your friendship and the countless laughs we share everyday!! (anyway, just so that everyone is clear: I SO know what Ross is building but to be fair, i aint spillin'!;) ) And last but not least: CONGRATULATIONS again on your first solo my babe!!! Im am crazy proud and ecstatic for you and just am dying for the day to arrive!!! History in the making baby!!! Always sending you the biggest hugs!!!! MWAH!!!

  8. Ah lovely Kim, what a beautiful message! Thank you SO SO much!! :D hehe, and for not spilling the beans ;)

  9. You are such a honey - truly!! xxx

  10. Ah thank you SO much Lara, that's an amazing compliment!! :) x

  11. Ross says 'Close, but elaborate' :)

  12. Timer for multiple exposures?

  13. "Canon cameras dont have leet intervalometers like Nikon cameras"- Did I win? :D

  14. Ross might find this interesting

  15. my precious friend....beautiful as usual, ALL OF IT! the words, the pictures and heart that it all came from.....SOOO EXCITED FOR YOU! love

  16. Amy, you are 33.3333% right. The circuit also has a piezoelectric disc and infrared phototransistor. Im sure Tiffs will post more pics when it is done.


  17. Hey, I can totally live with 33.3333% of the prize :D

  18. Thank you so much darling Katie!!! :)

  19. Rocking Amy! Well done, you win a 33.33333% of dinner with us - I will cook. And by cook I mean open and prepare pre-cut veggies. And by that I mean that Hubby will in fact cook ;) I may make dessert if I can pull that off - something swimming in chocolate/Baileys :D
